And… it’s a wrap!

Dolly’s Artisan Fair on Sunday 19th November and Ruby’s Vintage Fair the following week on Sunday 26th November were our last events of the year and they both turned out to be bumper fairs!

More stallholders choosing to trade with us and more visitors than ever before so all we can say is THANK YOU!

We decided to do fewer events this year due to difficult trading conditions over the last couple of years, both cutting down on our usual venues and declining new opportunities that were offered to us which were perhaps too far away or that we felt we could not devote our usual attention to.  We prefer to do fewer events well rather than spread ourselves too thinly and get stressed that we cannot produce an event to our usual standards.

So we think we called it right in 2023 and we will continue to do a limited number in 2024.

Our events for next year have already been announced and the website booking form will be updated as soon as the IT expert has time so we hope to see you all next year.

It only remains to say thank you again for your support this year and we hope to see you in 2024, so have a very Happy Christmas and a peaceful and healthy New Year!

Love from

Lyn & Yvonne

Published by

Lyn Mistry

Lyn is co-founder of Ruby's Vintage & Retro Fair. She also sells vintage costume jewellery, clothes and accessories at various vintage fairs. She spends some of the year in sunny Arizona which is a prime spot for sourcing great vintage - the English accent goes down a treat! Lyn runs the Fair with Yvonne who took early retirement from an international career in the perfume industry.